Hi Mickey,

[ pkg_add does not change /etc/changelist and /etc/mtree/special ]
> is there a good reason why this isn't done?


Don't have packages mess up the base system.  Keep central
configuration files as concise and straightforward as possible.

Of course, if you have some particular reason to modify the
central configuration files on your machine, you are free to
do it by hand.  Do it sparingly and only when you know what
you are doing and when you really need to.  Remember that
merging may be necessary during upgrades.

In case you wonder why packages should leave central
configuration alone, try to understand e.g. the run-parts(8)
nightmare under Linux - zillions of code snippets all
over the place from zillions of sources, and if you try
to find out whether something particular is being done
or whether it isn't, you will have quite some work to do
in order to find out.  Unless you know quite well how to
use find ... -exec grep ... -print, you will probably never
find out at all.

By the way, in case you are looking for serious intrusion
detection, you should not rely on /etc/security anyway, but
install (and maintain!) some real intrusion detection system.


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