I've some problems with serval CVSYNC-Servers.

No matter wich server I tried for now I've similiar errors:

Updating (collection openbsd/rcs)
No such file or directory
Updater(RCS): ADD: /nfs/cvs/ports/devel/libglade2/files/libglade2.spec,v
Updater: RCS Error
Socket Error: recv: 2 residue 2
Receiver(DATA) Error: recv
Mux(SEND) Error: socket
DirScan: RCS Error
Mux(SEND) Error: not running: 1
FileScan(RCS): ATTIC
FileScan: RCS Error

I tried 4-5 CVSYNC-Servers for now.
Is there any problem with CVSYNC currently?

It worked very nice..until now. Now it seams something is broken and I
can't figure out where the problem is.


config {
        hostname cvsync.openbsd.se
        collection {
        name openbsd release rcs
        prefix /nfs/cvs
        umask 002

I also used the german CVSYNC-Servers and 3-4 others.
They all fail (just the files wich are "missing" or so change).

Kind regards,
Don't buy anything from YeongYang.
Their Computercases are expensiv, they WTX-powersuplies start burning and
their support refuse any RMA even there's still some warenty.

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