On Fri, 23 Sep 2005, nate wrote:

> ok thats the kind of info I wanted to hear, so kernel
> space can go up to ~300MB ? is this a tunable
> paramter anywhere or is it hard coded?

it is actually 768MB on i386, but you can't use anywhere close to all of 
it for pf states.  it is hard coded.

> is this a "low memory" vs "high memory" thing? if so is
> there a good way to monitor "low memory" on openbsd?
> I tried doing some google searches and all I found was
> people running out of memory.

there is no way i know of to monitor it.  what matters is not memory, but 
address space.

> also one last Q - when you allocate memory for states
> in the pf config, say I allocate for 200k states does
> that allocation happen when the config is loaded or
> is it dynamic? Just wondering if I do exceed the limit
> should I expect it to misbehave immediately upon
> reload(even if it isn't holding that many states) or
> not until it actually hits the state limit.

states are only allocated on demand.  you could set the limit to a billion 
with no problem until you actually start using too many states.  the limit 
is there to protect you from the firewall imploding.

And that's why your software sucks.

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