I had this issue a long while back with one soldered to the mb.
A simple wood script fit fine. :D


On Wed, 28 Sep 2005, Mike wrote:

--- Didier Wiroth <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


I've installed 3.7 on a new pc. The motherboard has
an onboard very
small speaker.
As soon as 3.7 boots the speaker starts to beep and
doesn't stop
How can I stop this annoying beep.

I tried: to disable sysbeep (with config), a bios
update but these
didn't help.

What else can I try?

Try unplugging the speaker lead from your motherboard.
I'll go out on a limb here and assume that the
speaker is not soldered onto the motherboard.  :)

You can thank me later.


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