On Sat, 1 Oct 2005 18:19:17 -0500 (CDT)
"C. Bensend" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> > I am at a loss for a good web interface.
> >
> > Anyone care to make any recommendations?
> I'm a pretty big fan of SquirrelMail.  It's a web-based IMAP client,
> so you'd need an IMAP server as well (I use Courier).  It works just
> fine with OpenBSD's chrooted Apache, which is a big plus.
> Benny
> -- 
> "Now, that next spring you find in your garage a creature that
> looks like a cross-bred badger and anaconda. A badgerconda."
>                                                   -- bash.org

Yes, that's very nice WebMail software indeed. And it's quite light.


"Security is decided by quality" -- Theo de Raadt

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