> I have installed Openbsd on my computer.
> The manual says now for multi-booting with XP you must
> do dd if=/dev/rsd0a of=openbsd.pbr bs=512 count=1

Please don't type commands on the console that you don't understand
beforehand. You will want read the manual pages and other
documentation before typing. It will save you a world of pain later

The manual provides an example which you should adapt to your
particular situation, not a cookbook recipe. OpenBSD has excellent
documentation; please use it.

During install, you selected the drive to install OpenBSD onto. Use
that drive. sd0 (or its raw-device counterpart rsd0) is only an

> but if i do this i get a error-message that rsd0a does not exist

In that case, sd0 doesn't exist and you did not install OpenBSD onto
it. Find and use the correct drive. Then things should be fine.

> how can i make this right.

For a hint on what the correct drive is, you can use dmesg(1) or your fstab(5).



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