On Tue, Mar 01 2011 at 30:03, Steve wrote:

> Hi all,
> We have a high speed Internet link at a primary site that has had some
> stability issues. We would like to set up an adsl link as a backup to maintain
> the ipsec tunnels to the secondary sites if we have further issues.
> Currently clients at site B talk to servers at site A through Tunnel A. If
> tunnel A breaks we need them to talk through tunnel B. I was going to run
> multiple ipsec.conf files at the secondary sites and in the event of failure
> log in and tear down the tunnel A and fire up tunnel B. Although this process
> can be scripted easily enough I was hoping to automate this as much as
> possible.
> Any suggestions ?
You setup permanently tunnels A and B,
you add gif over both tunnels,
then you run ospf on to of gif on both end points, assigning different weights
for the links.


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