Ok, thanks. Here's the output:

#netstat -m
338 mbufs in use:
        306 mbufs allocated to data
        8 mbufs allocated to packet headers
        24 mbufs allocated to socket names and addresses
196/1634/128000 mbuf 2048 byte clusters in use (current/peak/max)
0/8/128000 mbuf 4096 byte clusters in use (current/peak/max)
0/8/128000 mbuf 8192 byte clusters in use (current/peak/max)
0/8/128000 mbuf 9216 byte clusters in use (current/peak/max)
0/8/128000 mbuf 12288 byte clusters in use (current/peak/max)
0/8/128000 mbuf 16384 byte clusters in use (current/peak/max)
0/8/128000 mbuf 65536 byte clusters in use (current/peak/max)
3900 Kbytes allocated to network (12% in use)
0 requests for memory denied
0 requests for memory delayed
0 calls to protocol drain routines


#vmstat -m
Memory statistics by bucket size
    Size   In Use   Free           Requests  HighWater  Couldfree
      16     1265   4623            6088911    1280        112
      32      581    315           10404301     640          0
      64      934   2074            3032561     320      31375
     128     2019     93             676644     160         46
     256      482    462            3128304      80      10123
     512     1373     59             647300      40         53
    1024      292     36            2434758      20     484389
    2048       35     23           12844515      10    8170616
    4096     2568     14             217060       5     197124
    8192       21      7              68247       5      51974
   16384      300      0                301       5          0
   32768        6      0              11603       5          0
   65536        2      0                  2       5          0
  131072        3      0                  3       5          0
  262144        1      0                  1       5          0

Memory usage type by bucket size
    Size  Type(s)
      16  devbuf, pcb, routetbl, sysctl, UFS mount, dirhash, ACPI, exec,
          xform_data, VM swap, UVM amap, UVM aobj, USB, USB device, temp
      32  devbuf, pcb, routetbl, ifaddr, vnodes, UFS mount, sem, dirhash,
          in_multi, exec, xform_data, UVM amap, USB, USB device, temp, DRM
      64  devbuf, routetbl, ifaddr, vnodes, dirhash, ACPI, proc, VFS
          in_multi, ether_multi, VM swap, UVM amap, USB, USB device, NDP,
     128  devbuf, pcb, routetbl, ifaddr, mount, sem, dirhash, ACPI, NFS
          ip_moptions, ttys, pfkey data, UVM amap, USB, USB device, NDP,
     256  devbuf, routetbl, ifaddr, sysctl, ioctlops, vnodes, shm, VM map,
          exec, UVM amap, USB, USB device, temp, DRM
     512  devbuf, ifaddr, ioctlops, vnodes, dirhash, file desc, NFS daemon,
          ttys, newblk, UVM amap, USB, USB device, temp
    1024  devbuf, pcb, sysctl, ioctlops, mount, UFS mount, shm, file desc,
          ttys, exec, UVM amap, crypto data, temp
    2048  devbuf, ioctlops, UFS mount, ACPI, file desc, VM swap, UVM amap,
          UVM aobj, temp
    4096  devbuf, ifaddr, ioctlops, proc, UVM amap, memdesc, temp, DRM
    8192  devbuf, ttys, pagedep, UVM amap, USB, temp
   16384  devbuf, UFS mount, MSDOSFS mount, temp
   32768  devbuf, UFS quota, UFS mount, ISOFS mount, inodedep
   65536  devbuf
  131072  devbuf, VM swap
  262144  VM swap

Memory statistics by type                           Type  Kern
          Type InUse MemUse HighUse  Limit Requests Limit Limit Size(s)
        devbuf  5433 16169K  16363K 78644K   608696    0     0
           pcb   110    21K     23K 78644K   107373    0     0
      routetbl   520    64K    239K 78644K   309082    0     0
        ifaddr   217    46K     46K 78644K      249    0     0
        sysctl     3     2K      2K 78644K        3    0     0  16,256,1024
      ioctlops     0     0K      4K 78644K   252490    0     0
         mount    14     7K      7K 78644K       14    0     0  128,1024
        vnodes    50    13K    105K 78644K   101151    0     0
     UFS quota     1    32K     32K 78644K        1    0     0  32768
     UFS mount    25    74K     74K 78644K       25    0     0
           shm     2     2K      2K 78644K        2    0     0  256,1024
        VM map     2     1K      1K 78644K        2    0     0  256
           sem     2     1K      1K 78644K        2    0     0  32,128
       dirhash    45     9K     20K 78644K     1992    0     0
          ACPI   639    81K    123K 78644K     3773    0     0
     file desc     8    11K     27K 78644K    13674    0     0
          proc    21    11K     11K 78644K       21    0     0  64,1024,4096
   VFS cluster     0     0K      1K 78644K    40301    0     0  64
   NFS srvsock     1     1K      1K 78644K        1    0     0  128
    NFS daemon     1     1K      1K 78644K        1    0     0  512
   ip_moptions     7     1K      1K 78644K        7    0     0  128
      in_multi   210    11K     11K 78644K      255    0     0  32,64
   ether_multi   108     7K      7K 78644K      129    0     0  64
   ISOFS mount     1    32K     32K 78644K        1    0     0  32768
 MSDOSFS mount     1    16K     16K 78644K        1    0     0  16384
          ttys   420   308K    308K 78644K      420    0     0
          exec     0     0K      3K 78644K   130184    0     0
    pfkey data     1     1K      1K 78644K        2    0     0  128
    xform_data     0     0K      1K 78644K    71667    0     0  16,32
       pagedep     1     8K      8K 78644K        1    0     0  8192
      inodedep     1    32K     32K 78644K        1    0     0  32768
        newblk     1     1K      1K 78644K        1    0     0  512
       VM swap     7   291K    291K 78644K        7    0     0
      UVM amap  1708   160K    365K 78644K 12491818    0     0
      UVM aobj     2     3K      3K 78644K        2    0     0  16,2048
           USB    72    20K     20K 78644K       72    0     0
    USB device    26     9K      9K 78644K       26    0     0
       memdesc     1     4K      4K 78644K        1    0     0  4096
   crypto data     1     1K      1K 78644K        1    0     0  1024
           NDP    36     4K      4K 78644K       44    0     0  64,128
          temp   184    32K     68K 78644K 25421025    0     0
           DRM     4     5K      5K 78644K        4    0     0

Memory Totals:  In Use    Free    Requests
                17475K    563K    39554522
Memory resource pool statistics
Name        Size Requests Fail    InUse Pgreq Pgrel Npage Hiwat Minpg Maxpg
extentpl      40      130    0       74     1     0     1     1     0     8
phpool        96   329967    0    25349   628     0   628   628     0     8
pmappl       176   278775    0       31     3     0     3     3     0     8
pvpl          32 110983429   0    10669   190     0   190   190     0   263
pdppl       4096   278775    0       31   663   625    38    49     0     8
vmsppl       296   278775    0       31     4     0     4     4     0     8
vmmpepl      144 31593130    0     2628   968   567   401   624     0   304
vmmpekpl     144   548951    0       23     2     0     2     2     0     8
aobjpl        72        1    0        1     1     0     1     1     0     8
amappl        72 12374080    0     1662   127    14   113   124     0    75
anonpl        24 27079429    0     3392    63     0    63    63     0    95
bufpl        272  1407873    0     6218   583   158   425   437     0     8
mbpl         256 18532302117 0      404   110     0   110   110     1  8000
mcl2k       2048 6421639980  0      199   817     0   817   817     4 64000
sockpl       376 11046607    0      132    23     1    22    23     0     8
procpl       504   278791    0       47     9     0     9     9     0     8
processpl    120   278791    0       47     2     0     2     2     0     8
zombiepl     144   278744    0        0     1     0     1     1     0     8
ucredpl       80    33869    0       67     2     0     2     2     0     8
pgrppl        40    31021    0       24     1     0     1     1     0     8
sessionpl     64    13262    0       22     1     0     1     1     0     8
pcredpl       24   278791    0       47     1     0     1     1     0     8
lockfpl       88    38603    0        3     1     0     1     1     0     8
filepl       120 12966748    0      193     9     0     9     9     0     8
fdescpl      440   278776    0       32     6     0     6     6     0     8
pipepl       120   237426    0        8     1     0     1     1     0     8
kqueuepl     256     9216    0        4     1     0     1     1     0     8
knotepl      104  3966736    0       55     3     0     3     3     0     8
sigapl       488   278775    0       31     7     0     7     7     0     8
wqtasks       40  1463859    0        0     1     0     1     1     0     8
scxspl       200  4678983    0        0   165   157     8    51     0     8
pfiaddrpl    120        6    0        1     1     0     1     1     0     8
wdcspl       176        8    0        0     1     0     1     1     0     8
namei       1024  6432722    0        0     3     0     3     3     0     8
vnodes       264     5271    0     5271   352     0   352   352     0     8
nchpl        144  1210101    0     5925   223     3   220   220     0     8
ffsino       232   935680    0     5260   314     4   310   310     0     8
dino1pl      128   935680    0     5260   170     0   170   170     0     8
dirhash     1024     2193    0       59    30     0    30    30     0   128
pfrulepl    1272   195813    0      687 14015 13706   309   504     0     8
pfstatepl    296 380698284 1480967 16325 23077    0 23077 23077     0 23077
pfstatekeypl 104 382346611   0    14516 78107 77619   488  7908     0     8
pfstateitempl 24 377007250   0    14516  6794  6672   122  1811     0     8
pfrktable   1296     5628    0       72   948   885    63    95     0     8
pfrke_plain  160    22578    0      460   379   337    42    54     0     8
pfosfpen     112    19488    0      696   344   324    20    20     0     8
pfosfp        40    11396    0      407     5     0     5     5     0     8
pffrent       32  1195719    0        0     1     0     1     1     0   800
pffrag        80   602205    0        0     3     0     3     3     0    20
rtentpl      200    36178    0      197   156   138    18    39     0     8
tcpcbpl      552  4853012    0       21 289254 289242  12   387     0     8
tcpqepl       32     2184    0        0     1     0     1     1     0    25
sackhlpl      24       17    0        0     1     0     1     1     0   198
synpl        248  1434935    0        0   196   188     8    94     0     8
plimitpl     152    24977    0       16     1     0     1     1     0     8
inpcbpl      352 10939247    0       35    13     1    12    13     0     8
bnxpkts       40      292    0      292     3     0     3     3     0     8
pfsync        72  5537585    0        0     3     0     3     3     0     8

In use 17533K, total allocated 112800K; utilization 15.5%


#cat /var/run/dmesg.boot
OpenBSD 4.8 (GENERIC.MP <http://generic.mp/>) #335: Mon Aug 16 09:09:20 MDT
real mem = 1072332800 (1022MB)
avail mem = 1029959680 (982MB)
mainbus0 at root
bios0 at mainbus0: SMBIOS rev. 2.4 @ 0x3ffbc000 (62 entries)
bios0: vendor Dell Inc. version "1.2.0" date 10/18/2006
bios0: Dell Inc. PowerEdge 1950
acpi0 at bios0: rev 2
acpi0: sleep states S0 S4 S5
acpi0: wakeup devices PCI0(S5)
acpitimer0 at acpi0: 3579545 Hz, 24 bits
acpimadt0 at acpi0 addr 0xfee00000: PC-AT compat
cpu0 at mainbus0: apid 0 (boot processor)
cpu0: Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU 5130 @ 2.00GHz, 1995.26 MHz
cpu0: 4MB 64b/line 16-way L2 cache
cpu0: apic clock running at 332MHz
cpu1 at mainbus0: apid 1 (application processor)
cpu1: Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU 5130 @ 2.00GHz, 1995.02 MHz
cpu1: 4MB 64b/line 16-way L2 cache
ioapic0 at mainbus0: apid 2 pa 0xfec00000, version 20, 24 pins
ioapic0: misconfigured as apic 0, remapped to apid 2
ioapic1 at mainbus0: apid 3 pa 0xfec81000, version 20, 24 pins
ioapic1: misconfigured as apic 0, remapped to apid 3
acpihpet0 at acpi0: 14318179 Hz
acpiprt0 at acpi0: bus 0 (PCI0)
acpiprt1 at acpi0: bus 6 (PEX2)
acpiprt2 at acpi0: bus 7 (UPST)
acpiprt3 at acpi0: bus 8 (DWN1)
acpiprt4 at acpi0: bus 10 (DWN2)
acpiprt5 at acpi0: bus 1 (PEX3)
acpiprt6 at acpi0: bus 2 (PE2P)
acpiprt7 at acpi0: bus 12 (PEX4)
acpiprt8 at acpi0: bus 14 (PEX6)
acpiprt9 at acpi0: bus 4 (SBEX)
acpiprt10 at acpi0: bus 16 (COMP)
acpicpu0 at acpi0
acpicpu1 at acpi0
ipmi at mainbus0 not configured
pci0 at mainbus0 bus 0
pchb0 at pci0 dev 0 function 0 "Intel 5000X Host" rev 0x12
ppb0 at pci0 dev 2 function 0 "Intel 5000 PCIE" rev 0x12
pci1 at ppb0 bus 6
ppb1 at pci1 dev 0 function 0 "Intel 6321ESB PCIE" rev 0x01
pci2 at ppb1 bus 7
ppb2 at pci2 dev 0 function 0 "Intel 6321ESB PCIE" rev 0x01
pci3 at ppb2 bus 8
ppb3 at pci3 dev 0 function 0 "ServerWorks PCIE-PCIX" rev 0xc3
pci4 at ppb3 bus 9
bnx0 at pci4 dev 0 function 0 "Broadcom BCM5708" rev 0x12: apic 2 int 16
(irq 5)
ppb4 at pci2 dev 1 function 0 "Intel 6321ESB PCIE" rev 0x01
pci5 at ppb4 bus 10
ppb5 at pci1 dev 0 function 3 "Intel 6321ESB PCIE-PCIX" rev 0x01
pci6 at ppb5 bus 11
ppb6 at pci0 dev 3 function 0 "Intel 5000 PCIE" rev 0x12
pci7 at ppb6 bus 1
ppb7 at pci7 dev 0 function 0 "Intel IOP333 PCIE-PCIX" rev 0x00
pci8 at ppb7 bus 2
mfi0 at pci8 dev 14 function 0 "Dell PERC 5" rev 0x00: apic 3 int 14 (irq
6), 0x1f031028
mfi0: logical drives 1, version 5.0.2-0003, 256MB RAM
scsibus0 at mfi0: 1 targets
sd0 at scsibus0 targ 0 lun 0: <DELL, PERC 5/i, 1.00> SCSI3 0/direct fixed
sd0: 139392MB, 512 bytes/sec, 285474816 sec total
ppb8 at pci7 dev 0 function 2 "Intel IOP333 PCIE-PCIX" rev 0x00
pci9 at ppb8 bus 3
ppb9 at pci0 dev 4 function 0 "Intel 5000 PCIE x8" rev 0x12: apic 2 int 16
(irq 0)
pci10 at ppb9 bus 12
em0 at pci10 dev 0 function 0 "Intel PRO/1000 PT (82571EB)" rev 0x06: apic 2
int 16 (irq 5), address 00:15:17:19:95:82
em1 at pci10 dev 0 function 1 "Intel PRO/1000 PT (82571EB)" rev 0x06: apic 2
int 17 (irq 11), address 00:15:17:19:95:83
ppb10 at pci0 dev 5 function 0 "Intel 5000 PCIE" rev 0x12
pci11 at ppb10 bus 13
ppb11 at pci0 dev 6 function 0 "Intel 5000 PCIE x8" rev 0x12: apic 2 int 16
(irq 0)
pci12 at ppb11 bus 14
em2 at pci12 dev 0 function 0 "Intel PRO/1000 PT (82571EB)" rev 0x06: apic 2
int 16 (irq 5), address 00:15:17:19:96:a8
em3 at pci12 dev 0 function 1 "Intel PRO/1000 PT (82571EB)" rev 0x06: apic 2
int 17 (irq 11), address 00:15:17:19:96:a9
ppb12 at pci0 dev 7 function 0 "Intel 5000 PCIE" rev 0x12
pci13 at ppb12 bus 15
pchb1 at pci0 dev 16 function 0 "Intel 5000 Error Reporting" rev 0x12
pchb2 at pci0 dev 16 function 1 "Intel 5000 Error Reporting" rev 0x12
pchb3 at pci0 dev 16 function 2 "Intel 5000 Error Reporting" rev 0x12
pchb4 at pci0 dev 17 function 0 "Intel 5000 Reserved" rev 0x12
pchb5 at pci0 dev 19 function 0 "Intel 5000 Reserved" rev 0x12
pchb6 at pci0 dev 21 function 0 "Intel 5000 FBD" rev 0x12
pchb7 at pci0 dev 22 function 0 "Intel 5000 FBD" rev 0x12
ppb13 at pci0 dev 28 function 0 "Intel 6321ESB PCIE" rev 0x09
pci14 at ppb13 bus 4
ppb14 at pci14 dev 0 function 0 "ServerWorks PCIE-PCIX" rev 0xc3
pci15 at ppb14 bus 5
bnx1 at pci15 dev 0 function 0 "Broadcom BCM5708" rev 0x12: apic 2 int 16
(irq 5)
uhci0 at pci0 dev 29 function 0 "Intel 6321ESB USB" rev 0x09: apic 2 int 21
(irq 11)
uhci1 at pci0 dev 29 function 1 "Intel 6321ESB USB" rev 0x09: apic 2 int 20
(irq 10)
uhci2 at pci0 dev 29 function 2 "Intel 6321ESB USB" rev 0x09: apic 2 int 21
(irq 11)
ehci0 at pci0 dev 29 function 7 "Intel 6321ESB USB" rev 0x09: apic 2 int 21
(irq 11)
usb0 at ehci0: USB revision 2.0
uhub0 at usb0 "Intel EHCI root hub" rev 2.00/1.00 addr 1
ppb15 at pci0 dev 30 function 0 "Intel 82801BA Hub-to-PCI" rev 0xd9
pci16 at ppb15 bus 16
vga1 at pci16 dev 13 function 0 "ATI ES1000" rev 0x02
wsdisplay0 at vga1 mux 1: console (80x25, vt100 emulation)
wsdisplay0: screen 1-5 added (80x25, vt100 emulation)
radeondrm0 at vga1: apic 2 int 19 (irq 10)
drm0 at radeondrm0
pcib0 at pci0 dev 31 function 0 "Intel 6321ESB LPC" rev 0x09
pciide0 at pci0 dev 31 function 1 "Intel 6321ESB IDE" rev 0x09: DMA, channel
0 configured to compatibility, channel 1 configured to compatibility
atapiscsi0 at pciide0 channel 0 drive 0
scsibus1 at atapiscsi0: 2 targets
cd0 at scsibus1 targ 0 lun 0: <HL-DT-ST, CDRW/DVD GCC4244, B101> ATAPI
5/cdrom removable
cd0(pciide0:0:0): using PIO mode 4, Ultra-DMA mode 2
pciide0: channel 1 ignored (disabled)
usb1 at uhci0: USB revision 1.0
uhub1 at usb1 "Intel UHCI root hub" rev 1.00/1.00 addr 1
usb2 at uhci1: USB revision 1.0
uhub2 at usb2 "Intel UHCI root hub" rev 1.00/1.00 addr 1
usb3 at uhci2: USB revision 1.0
uhub3 at usb3 "Intel UHCI root hub" rev 1.00/1.00 addr 1
isa0 at pcib0
isadma0 at isa0
com0 at isa0 port 0x3f8/8 irq 4: ns16550a, 16 byte fifo
com0: console
com1 at isa0 port 0x2f8/8 irq 3: ns16550a, 16 byte fifo
pckbc0 at isa0 port 0x60/5
pckbd0 at pckbc0 (kbd slot)
pckbc0: using irq 1 for kbd slot
wskbd0 at pckbd0: console keyboard, using wsdisplay0
pcppi0 at isa0 port 0x61
spkr0 at pcppi0
mtrr: Pentium Pro MTRR support
uhub4 at uhub0 port 5 "Cypress Semiconductor USB2 Hub" rev 2.00/0.0b addr 2
softraid0 at root
root on sd0a swap on sd0b dump on sd0b
bnx0: address 00:15:c5:ef:ac:c8
brgphy0 at bnx0 phy 1: BCM5708C 10/100/1000baseT PHY, rev. 6
bnx1: address 00:15:c5:ef:ac:c6
brgphy1 at bnx1 phy 1: BCM5708C 10/100/1000baseT PHY, rev. 6

On Mon, Mar 7, 2011 at 12:43 PM, Stuart Henderson <s...@spacehopper.org>wrote:

> On 2011-03-07, Steve Johnson <maill...@sjohnson.info> wrote:
> >
> > The stats from pfctl seem to be fine
> >   memory                           1480933            1.7/s
> that's a problem ..
> netstat -m
> vmstat -m
> dmesg

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