On Wed, Mar 09, 2011 at 11:39:16AM +0100, rancor wrote:
> I have been asking for how I can provide more information but the question
> was not answered. Im not whining, Im just providing my experience.
> I would be happy to provide more information if some body asked my in my
> report and also told me what to do because I don't know and If I did I had
> provided that information in the first place.
> If you got better experience with DL360 G7 (and G6) please tell us how your
> setup was so that this user can install without any problem and I can
> resolve my issues. In other case please shut up with your lame attitude and
> start to help instead of beeing an arsehole.

The requirements for a useful bug report are also laid out at


Of particular interest in point 5 of "How to Create a Bug Report" is

"Panic reports without panic message, traceback and ps output are

And if one follows the link in the PR, this is indeed a panic report,
not a system hang.

With no trace of the crash or even mentioning the panic message, the
report does not provide anything we can work on. The panic message is
visible via the link you posted but would be more likely to be
read if included in the report.

All that said, many many bugs in pfsync/carp in particular are fixed
in 4.9, and reproducing the problem on 4.9-current would be extremely
useful. A 4.6 report with no useful information is likely to be
closed soon.

.... Ken

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