Am 22.03.2011 13:57, schrieb Marcus M|lb|sch:


Now the machine replies with the correct MAC-address:

14:19:01.314759 arp who-has tell
14:19:01.314785 arp reply (01:00:5e:00:01:21) is-at 

I did restart networking again and did restart pf again. However, I feel that was unrelated, since the pings started to work sometimes afterwards.

Now I wonder:

Did the FW change its virtual MAC-address sometimes today? Maybe after the last netstart, and I didn't notice at first, since I was connected via the physical address?

How could that happen? Will it happen again?

Which cache did serve the wrong MAC-Address? Was it the switch?

Is there any way in which I can tell the FW to use a specific virtual MAC-address when carping?


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