On 2011-03-25 11.14, johhny_at_poland77 wrote:
> If i search for the two words: OpenBSD and NetBSD on: 
> http://www.exploit-db.com/
> then i get 17 hits regarding security bugs on OpenBSD, and 8 hits regarding 
> security bugs on NetBSD.
> So what are the differences exactly in the _REALITY_? 
> Anybody has any links, that how does NetBSD and OpenBSD audit their code? :O
> I'm not trolling, just want the real security! It's not a flame topic..
> p.s: if i search for FreeBSD... :\ too many hits to count..

...and I hit "send" too soon. Sorry about that. I'll repeat what I wrote
and add what I meant to say in this mail:

Yes, you are trolling and yes, it's a "flame topic". And you know it.

But I know your English isn't perfect, so I'll give you the benefit of
the doubt.

So I'll bite, just this once.

First of all, I don't know how you've come up with the figures you mention.

When I use the site's search form and choose openbsd or openbsd/x86 (x86
is for some reason separated from the rest of the supported
architectures), and don't enter any search criteria at all, I get three
hits on each category. Six in total, the oldest ones from 2004 and the
newest from 2009. Where are the other eleven you mention? Searching for
Netbsd BTW gives me seven hits, mostly older ones too.

Second, you can't compare security track records just by counting search
hits on some dubious site. You have to weigh each and every entry by
their seriousness, by what kind of vulnerability (DoS, remote
penetration exploit, local exploit, privilege escalation etc) and by the
circumstances around each one. For example, is it the standard system
that has been compromised or is it an application running on it?

Third, *YOU* HAVE GOT TO DO *YOUR* HOMEWORK. We don't want to do it for
you. We don't have the time to spare for ignorant questions. For most of
us, time equals money in some way. You know how to find google, don't
you? This isn't the first silly question you've brought to the OpenBSD
lists lately, have you learned nothing from the responses (or lack of)
that you have received so far?

I'll give you a link. It's all you need to learn about OpenBSD, really:


Click away at the links there. I promise you, behind every one is new
and exciting knowledge, all for free.



internetlabbet.se     / work:   +46 8 551 124 80      / "Words must
Benny Lofgren        /  mobile: +46 70 718 11 90     /   be weighed,
                    /   fax:    +46 8 551 124 89    /    not counted."
                   /    email:  benny -at- internetlabbet.se

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