i'v installed postfix-mysql + mysql-server + courier-imap and imap-ssl +
courier-pop and pop-ssl on OpenBSD 4.8-Stable

But now i have a problem with vmail and mysql, i'v created the database for
postfix users
Pastebin link of database:   http://pastebin.com/70qd43AZ

And i insert my account into database mail with:

mysql>  INSERT INTO users (login, name, password, maildir)
-> VALUES ('gdrm@my_domain.org', 'Gianluca', ENCRYPT('my_password'),
-> '/my_site.org/gdrm/');

When i connect with mutt:   mutt -f imaps://my_u...@example.com@localhost
the password does not match!
Or when i try:  sudo -u vmail mutt -f /var/vmail/mydomain.org/user_name

I don't know where is the problem, can u help me??
Tks vvm



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