On Thu, 21 Apr 2011 23:03:03 -0400, Nick Holland wrote:

>On 04/19/11 16:10, Miod Vallat wrote:
>> So if you want to contribute but don't know what to get, get a CD set
>> (or several!). Noone will mind if you frame them and hang them on your
>> wall; it's the thought which counts.
>> Miod
>I'm gonna hate myself for this, but if it sends money to the project,
>it's worth it...
>I hereby declare OpenBSD CD sets to be The Next Beanie
>Baby/Webkins/iProduct thing.  It's new, its trendy, and in six months,
>you need a new one.  (that's how this works, right?  Someone, somewhere
>declares that some toy or thing is the Must Have for the season, and all
>the world lines up to buy it?  Gotta be something like that, let's see
>if I can make it work...)
>You HAVE to have one.  Your friends with them will thumb their noses at
>you if you don't have one.  Once you have one, you will be able to (and
>be expected to) look down on your poor, unfortunate pathetic excuse for
>friends that DON'T have one of their own.  Heck, you won't even admit
>knowing them in polite company.
>Your kids will be laughed at by their peers who's parents have bought
>them an OpenBSD CD set,  YOU will be responsible for the psychological
>trauma they experience for not having THE Latest Release on CD.  Forcing
>your kids to share a CD set is not an option; remember, THEY will chose
>your nursing home.  It's one per kid.  And one for your spouse, too.
>You WILL line up to put your order in the moment Theo activates
>pre-orders in the future, including taking off work the day before it is
>rumored that Theo will activate pre-orders, so you can spend the day
>hitting "Reload" on your browser [note to self: talk to Theo about
>"leaking" pre-order day], and you will run as fast as you can to buy
>copies now.
>You WILL buy this release because it is better than the past releases.
>You will buy the next release because it is better than this release.
>You will NOT wait for the next release, you will buy this one.
>Remember, there are limited quantities of CDs available at any one
>instant, look at what that 2.4 CD is going for now.  I know *I* wish I
>had bought one a while back.  A friend of mine has an OpenBSD 2.0 CD set
>he bought when it first came out.  He's...you know, SOOOOO COOOOOOL!
>(Hi, C.L.! :)  He is CLEARLY better than me, because I didn't buy
>OpenBSD CDs until 2.6.  Don't wait until the 4.9 disks are gone forever
>(or until Theo decides to make another run), get yours now!
>Slightly more seriously...
>Unlike the Beanie Babies and Webkins and iProducts, this actually
>matters to the world.  You all know what it means to have a team
>producing an entire OS where the goal is nothing short of perfection,
>not "a little better than Windows", where "all software has bugs" is
>something to change, not a statement of resignation and justification
>for status quo.  Even if you don't use OpenBSD for everything, you
>realize that OpenBSD has helped raise the bar.  So, how much money did
>you waste on Beanie Babies?  Webkins?  How much time did you or someone
>you know spend waiting in line for the latest one that just came out?
>(multiply by your hourly wage).  Send it in as a donation with your CD
>purchase, and make the world a better place, not just with more damned
>stuffed toys.

Bloody hell, Nick!
What are you doing wasting time near release day?

Don't you have work to do on FAQ et c. ?

Theo says that team members can't do all that business idea stuff and
get their woek done as well.

Besides, you are wasting your breath on that stupid idea. No-one will
remember it in six or twelve months and the new team of ideas men will
arrive. Will they have read the FA?

Not on your nellie.

</Toungue In Cheek>

(and just as well you know me!)

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This life is not the real thing.
It is not even in Beta.
If it was, then OpenBSD would already have a man page for it.

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