I'm considering whether to try to get a graphics/pen tablet for
GIMP/graphics design and stuff.

Are there any OpenBSD users out there who currently use a graphics
tablet with OpenBSD?

These days, does support for these require custom drivers at all? Are
they basically just pointing devices? Are they supported by uhid(4)?
I've never owned a graphics tablet before, but I gather some Wacom or
other brand tablets/pens have eraser buttons -- which I suspect would
require a special driver, wouldn't it?

I thus far only run i386 OpenBSD, and I've only checked
http://openbsd.org/i386.html#hardware , which doesn't mention graphics
tablets specifically. If they're not presently supported (anymore),
then that would also be good to know -- I'm just asking whether anyone
knows more.

Grepping the archives, I found this: http://mongers.org/openbsd/graphire4
However, it dates back to 2005 and refers to the usbtablet(4) driver
which disappeared between OpenBSD 4.3 and 4.4:

I also found this info
<http://www.flickr.com/photos/symmetricalism/2269700653/>, but
apparently it pertains to a specific laptop, so I'm not sure how much
of that is generalizable, or where to find further info.

If on the other hand someone did know how to currently get graphics
tablets to work, and maybe even could recommend a (preferably very)
inexpensive (but not shite) device that works well with OpenBSD, that
would be super grand.

Many thanks in advance,

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