Olivier Cherrier wrote:

>On Tue, Oct 18, 2005 at 05:55:10PM +1000, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>>>>I've searced the archives and couldn't find an answer. Does anyone know
>>>>if OpenBSD supports AMD cool and quiet ?
>>>not right now.
>>Thanks Ted.
>>When is it planned for inclusion ?
>When you write the code.

This attitude is very childish.  There is always at least one smartass
on this list who comes out with this sort of line. If you dont have
anything positive to say, dont say anything.

What code have you contributed to OpenBSD ? I could accept this sort of
comment from many others, but,  I suspect you haven't written one little
bit. I may be wrong of course but thats my gut feel. Especially  when a
'nobody'  send these types of messages back to the list.

All I was doing was asking when a certain feature will be supported.
Trust me, you would not want me to write any code for this wonderful OS,
I am a system administrator *not* a developer. Given your apparent lack
of personal communication skills it would be like me asking you to
represent my company at a customer site, or on the telephone ..... in
short, a recipe for disaster.



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