
I'm looking to get a snapshot (i386) post 17th May and I've been
looking for a couple of days now. I have minimal experience using
snapshots and I have a few questions.

First, I've searched the FAQ and notice these:
"The snapshots available on the FTP mirrors are generated daily ..."
"Some platforms have snapshots built on an almost daily basis, others
will be much less frequent."
"On fast platforms, several snapshots may be released in one day."
"Remember, on some platforms, it may be DAYS before the snapshot build
is completed and put out for distribution."

I've checked all architectures and there are no snapshots later than the 17th.
Does the information in the FAQ vis-a-vis snapshot regularity
"depends" on various other factors (amount of development, amount of
alcohol, whatever) and should I expect this?
Is there a "usual" time frame for an i386 snapshot?

Second, all architectures have an index.txt file which appears to be
the immediately previous (time wise) directory listing - I notice that
all architectures are rolling this over on what appears to be a daily
So even though some architectures contain files from a week or more
ago they have an index.txt file from the 19th which contains as one of
the entries a listing for the index.txt from the previous day.
Can I use this other than seing the directory listing for the previous snapshot?
I guess wildly it's some automatic feature that I can safely forget about ...

Use your cluestick if you like.

Best wishes.

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