STeve Andre' wrote:

On Tuesday 18 October 2005 21:07, Paul Greene wrote:
STeve Andre' wrote:
 Seeing all sorts of good wishes to the project, but I haven't
seen any gifts, yet. ;-)

 I just paypaled $25 to the project, as a birthday present.  Given
what we all get from this OS, OpenBSD deserves something.

 Can I get 10 others to make some kind of donation?  It doesn't
have to be a lot...

--STeve Andre'
Well, I finally got out the credit card and actually paid for some CD's.

Does that count?


Sure it does.  It helps the project.  Thank you.

So, four people donating money and one buying a CD set.

...Do I hear more?

--STeve Andre'

CD + shirt + $100 donation... and I am still getting the better end of the deal.

Buono complianno OBSD


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