On Thu, Jun 2, 2011 at 10:51 AM, Amit Kulkarni <amitk...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> I am new to your site. Hope i will have answers and help.I am facing a 
>> problem
>> while synchronizing client to nearest server for ntp synchorinization(linux)I
>> have configured the IP of nearest server in file /etc/ntp.conf and restarted
>> the service ntpd using /etc/init.d/ntpd restart. ntpd service is started and
>> there seems no problem with the service but whenever i use cmd to check the
>> peer 'ntpq -p' the prompt is:ntpq: read: Connection refused
>> Have checked log messages and also the service and is running fine; can you
>> please help me to solve the error.
> ntpd is on a linux server? then why post here on a OpenBSD forum?
> OpenNTPD doesn't use /etc/init.d ...
> google and your problem will be solved.

Telling people " go use google" is not helpful. It often means "I
don't actually know", and there's way, way, way too many hits, many of
which are confusing or confused.

Amit? I assume English is not your first language? It's a little tough
to figure out where your issue is. Have you verified that ntp is not
just running, but can be  contacted from your OpenBSD box? Try "ntp -q
linuxhost" to see if you can reach it, just to start out. Just because
you're running ntp on a server doesn't mean the server permits other
hosts to ask it for information.

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