On Jun 7, 2011, at 11:29 AM, Rodolfo Gouveia wrote:

> On 06/05/2011 02:37 AM, Paul Suh wrote:
>> Folks,
>> I've been working with the flashrd system for booting from compact flash
>> media, and ran across a case where I'd like to make some changes to
>> but before I do so I'm not sure that it's a good idea.
>> The location for certificates, CA's, private keys, etc. is hard-coded in
>> /usr/src/sbin/isakmpd/conf.h and conf.c to be /etc/isakmpd/. I'd like to
> I thought you could change those in isakmpd.conf:
>     # Certificates stored in PEM format
>     [X509-certificates]
>     CA-directory=           /etc/isakmpd/ca/
>     Cert-directory=         /etc/isakmpd/certs/
>     CRL-directory=          /etc/isakmpd/crls/
>     Private-key=            /etc/isakmpd/private/local.key
> I took the above from the isakmpd.conf(5).


Thanks for the input, but the lockout to /etc/isakmpd actually happens in the
code -- see my reply to Stuart Henderson's post. Changing the values in
isakmpd.conf won't do anything.

Also, I'm not using isakmpd.conf -- I'm using ipsec.conf and running "isakmpd
-K" so that I can use ipsecctl. This is a lot simpler than isakmpd.conf and is
(I believe) the preferred way to do IPSec these days.


[demime 1.01d removed an attachment of type application/pkcs7-signature which 
had a name of smime.p7s]

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