Hi Friedrich,

Friedrich Locke wrote on Tue, Jun 21, 2011 at 06:42:22PM -0300:

> I have just installed OpenBSD 4.9 and when i try to compile an ansi C
> source file it complains about using "-I-" and suggest "-iquote".
> What is that? What does "-iquote" means ?

To get you started, read gcc(1) and search for "-I-" and "-iquote"
in particular.  Both are explained in the manual.

> May some one help me?

Not really, you provide too little information to work on.
We can only guess.  When asking for help, in general:

 - provide the exact commands you type;
 - briefly state what you expect to happen;
 - and provide the exact and complete output.

When asking about compilers, providing a *minimal* code sample
exhibiting the problem helps as well.

Like this:

  $ echo 'int main() { return 0; }' > testfile.c
  $ gcc -I. -I- -I /usr/include testfile.c
  cc1: note: obsolete option -I- used, please use -iquote instead

That's just a warning, inviting you to talk in a less archaic way.


  • -I- Friedrich Locke
    • Re: -I- Ingo Schwarze

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