On 06/28/11 21:31, Tito Mari Francis Escaqo wrote:
Good day!
Is it possible to recompile the whole system while excluding the built-in
Apache 1.3 web server? I was hoping to save a few more megabytes off the
base installation of the system. In case it's not advisable, can you please
discuss the bad side effects of doing so?
Thanks in advance.
Are you really so starved for disk that shaving a few megabytes is
useful?  If that is really the case, you need to get a larger disk.  I
don't know where you are, but I don't think disks cost that much,
anywhere any more.

The best reason why it's not advisable is that you get into the
habit of shaving things off the system, losing track of the larger
picture, namely how to build a system correctly.

If you never intend to play games, you could not install games.tgz.

If you are planning on never upgrading the system, you could
leave off comp.tgz.

But really, this is silly.

--STeve Andre'

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