On 2011-07-11, lancebaynes87 <lancebayne...@zoho.com> wrote:
> This is starting to get funny. 
> The worlds most secure os, and it doesn't have any docs regarding the 
> different versions security support time.
> How long does a version get's security support? 
> If I install a version of OpenBSD then when do I have to upgrade to a fresher 
> version??
> E.g.:
> If I install OpenBSD 4.9 on it's release date, then when do I have to upgrade 
> to 5.0?? (so that there is no more patches for 4.9, so I have to install 5.0)
> thanks.

Re: base OS, errata for security and other major problems are released
for the latest release and one previous. Occasionally other fixes make it
to the latest and maybe one previous but most developers are not running
these (even in production many of us only run -current) so it is rather

Re: ports, important fixes are only done for the latest release (i.e.
currently 4.9), when the next release is made the previous one is no
longer supported.

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