2011/7/30 Mikael Vsterdahl <m.osterd...@gmail.com>:
> I use webmin and it works ok, need a few tweaks, but works. Not in ports
> /Mikael

Webmin is what open source interfaces *should* be. Modular, clean,
cross-platform, and actually edits the config files rather than some
strange intermediate database, which means that changes in webmin show
up directly in the config files, and vice versa. Individual modules of
it may not be as sophisticated as the older, most popular ones, such
as the DNS and Samba and sendmail, bit in general it helps prevent a
whole variety of accidents from people who think "I'll just hand-edit
this config file like this web page told me to" and create havoc.

There's an old essay by Eric Raymond, called "the Luxury of Ignorance"
about the CUPS configuration tool. All the things Eric ranted about,
with cause, were done *properly* by the webmin developers and

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