On Thu, Aug 4, 2011 at 1:57 AM, Gilles Chehade <gil...@poolp.org> wrote:
> The ruleset is incorrect, the third rule will never be matched as the second
> rule matches all sources and destinations. Right now, your ruleset says:
> - mails coming from local host for local domains are delivered to mbox
> - mails coming from anyone for any domain are delivered to mbox

Ah, alright that makes sense.

> You need further tweaking of your smtpd.conf :-p

I tweaked it a bit further, and am running into an issue I don't quite
understand. I can send mail without getting an error but it never
arrives. The new conf is:
map secrets { source db "/etc/mail/secrets.db" }
+accept from all for domain mydomain deliver to mbox
+accept for all relay via smtp.comcast.net tls auth "secrets"

The error is:
lka: smtp.comcast.net secret lookup (0)
smtp.comcast.net secret not found
mta: new status for email@address: 190 secrets lookup failed

/etc/mail/secrets.db is owned by root and _smtpd is its group. I'm
guessing I'm missing something really basic again but I don't know
what. By the way, secrets is of the form username:password and I
followed the steps outlined in smtpd.conf(5) to generate the database.

> --
> Gilles Chehade
> http://u.poolp.org/~gilles/

Thanks a lot for your time!

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