On 08/15/11 19:58, David Walker wrote:
Hey folks.

I installed a snapshot from a day or so ago:
OpenBSD 5.0 GENERIC#39

So things change but this doesn't seem to work any more for inetd ...
This doesn't look right:

# set these to "NO" to turn them off.  otherwise, they're used as flags
inetd_flags=""                # for normal use: ""

inetd is definitely running on this machine with that flag set NO.

Sad to say I don't understand the new rc.conf well enough to figure
this out on my own.
I'm sure I could add inetd_flags=NO to my rc.conf.local and everything
would work ...
Yep that works.

Hm so where did you think it was set to "NO" before that?

Oh, ah! You modified rc.conf? Think again. inetd_flags are a bit 'special' in that they are handling the legacy "inetd=YES".

Short answer: Don't edit rc.conf.

(if you didn't edit rc.conf, I'm short of ideas unless you start sharing your /etc/rc* contents)


BTW, maybe it could be:
# Set these to "NO" to turn them off. Otherwise they're used as flags.

Best wishes.

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