On 2011-08-20, Dmitrij Czarkoff <czark...@gmail.com> wrote:
> The easier way - create a new disc image and use bsd.rd to partition, label
> and format it as needed. When done with it, mount all of Your volumes and
> use tar or cp to populate the new image.

you could also install on a separate vm and sync files over the network
(perhaps 'ssh dump -0 -f- /partition ... | restore rf -').

whichever way you do it, take care with the root partition; if /boot
moves on the disk you will need to re-run installboot(8) - it might be
simpler to just copy the files in /etc (also take care with fstab if
your partitions are not in the same order on the second disk or if you
use DUIDs rather than the /dev/sd0x format).

> You could also use disklabel and growfs

growfs only lets you expand the end of the filesystem into adjacent space,
it's the wrong tool for this job.

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