I have activated pre-orders for the 5.0 release -- it is scheduled for
official release on Nov 1 on the FTP sites.  As usual, we try to get
CDs in people's hands slightly a few days before that.


There are two tshirts available.  It's roughly the same image, but it
comes in both white and black.


At the same time, I am also releasing the song to accompany the art
for this release.


Please keep in mind that donations and CD/tshirt/poster sales, done
twice a year, are crucial to the continuation of the project.  It may
seem strange to keep selling such out-dated types of items and
expecting it to keep the project afloat, but so it goes.  As collector
items they do pay expenses around here.

Besides donations done along with a CD or tshirt purchase, there are
a few other options for donations and described at:


Thanks for continuing to let us make OpenBSD.

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