On Sun, 23 Oct 2005 22:42:35 -0400
Nick Holland <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Ken Gunderson wrote:
> > Greets:
> > 
> > I've been exploring root on raidframe w/a pair of mirrored disks.  Once
> > I bring something like this up I then go ahead and do my best to break
> > it, test out recovery scenarios, etc.
> smart.  VERY smart. :)


> > Which brings me to the question
> > at hand.
> > 
> > Following a hard failure the system must perfomr a parity check on
> > the raid volume(s) prior to fsck'ing and completing booting.  Depending
> > on disk size, speed, and number of volumes, this can easly require a
> > few hours of wait time before being able to bring the system back
> > online.  
> > 
> > Now my question is whether there is some way to shorten
> > this delay that I'm missing?
> yes.
> RAIDframe as absolutely little as you NEED to.
> Soft-mirroring (or hardware-mirroring, for that matter) more than you
> absolutely need to is foolish.
> Let's look at a simple mail server for an example (since you didn't
> describe your app):

The application in this case is a routing firewall/proxy server for a 3
legged network configuration.  Resources to implement a carp setup are
not available.  The objective for the system:

1)  to be as self healing as possible
2) minimize downtime resulting from this single point of failure failing
3) maximiz capability for remote system management
4) minimizing requrement for assistance from on site personnel.  

/home, /tmp and /var/tmp are inconsequential.  No users on this system.
But the system will be doing smtp relaying  and in the unlikely event
some malicious type was able to induce obsd to crash I'd like to have
the packets logged... Logging to remote machine is good practice but not
an option at present.  So we've got a large /var on this puppy.  Hence
the long wait.  Otherwise if just for perimeter firewall/router a
diskless setup would probably be best.

I've done some testing w/the /etc/rc backgound parity hack and the box
comes up after a hard failure in about 1/2 hour.  Which isn't too bad
compared to the 1.5 -2 hours otherwise.

For the sake of experimentation the raid conf is presently:

512M / mirror
2048M swap stripped
couple hundred gigs mirrored for everything else.

Thanks for your insights.  Appreciate the constructive input.

Best regards,

Ken Gunderson

Q: Because it reverses the logical flow of conversation.
A: Why is putting a reply at the top of the message frowned upon?

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