Quoting Jay Em Cee <j...@cosmicnetworks.net>:

--- Vijay Sankar [Thu, Sep 29, 2011 at 08:00:29AM -0500]: ---
Is there a way to get sendmail to use SMTP AUTH and LDAPMAP without recompiling all the binaries?


without rebuilding userland.

The way I do it right now is by adding WANT_SMTPAUTH and WANT_LDAP to mk.conf and rebuilding all binaries but was wondering if there is a better way.

Well, you don't have to rebuild *all* binaries, just sendmail. Sorry if
I'm misinterpreting what you meant here. A sendmail rebuild just takes
minutes on my box.

If you're merely asking the powers that be to change the way sendmail is
built, that's a different matter entirely, and one I won't attempt to

Thanks for your reply. No, it is not a request to change sendmail because I actually like the way sendmail is built!

What I tried to do was the following:

cd /usr/src/gnu/usr.sbin/sendmail
make clean all

I thought this would pick up the mk.conf directives for WANT_SMTPAUTH and WANT_LDAP. But when I rebooted the build machine it did not allow me to access the OpenLDAP server for aliases. So I built the whole userland (and xenocara) using the process described in the FAQ and that did solve the problem. So I probably am missing something here.


Vijay Sankar
ForeTell Technologies Limited

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