> Hello,
> I'd like to have my OpenBSD system run an anonymous FTP server, so I
> have /etc/rc.conf.local with the flags for ftpd.
> They are:
> # -A Anonymous only
> # -l -l Full logging
> # -P Permit illegal port numbers, guard against attacks
> # -U Log concurrent session to /var/run/utmp so who(1) works
> # -S Log downloads to /var/log/ftpd when this file exists (I made it)
> # -d Debug logging
> ftpd_flags="-A -l -l -P -U -S -d"
> With the file /var/log/ftpd, I made it owned by _ftpd and in group
> _ftpd, with permissions -rw-r-----. Is that correct?
> And I made a user ftp:
> Enter password []:
> Set the password so that user cannot logon? (y/n) [n]: y
> Name: ftp
> Password: ****
> Fullname: Anonymous FTP User
> Uid: 1001
> Gid: 1001 (ftp)
> Groups: ftp
> Login Class: auth-ftp-defaults
> HOME: /home/ftp
> Shell: /sbin/nologin
> OK? (y/n) [y]:
> Added user ``ftp''
> Copy files from /etc/skel to /home/ftp
> Add another user? (y/n) [y]: n
> Goodbye!

With a cursory glance I don't think you read all of the -A part of the man


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