On Mon, Oct 17, 2011 at 09:53, Stefan Unterweger <ste...@aleturo.com> wrote:
> I know this thread is very old, but I thought this might be useful for
> the archives -- and maybe for the original poster as well.

As the person who wrote this, I thank you for posting this.  I gave up
trying to get lpd working, and instead used cups to setup printing. My
use was more cathartic, as I thought that my favorite OS shouldn't be
hamstrung by something as mundane as printing.

I actually bought a 9840 because 1.) it was a color laser, and the
toner is expensive, but lasts forever 2.)  it had a scanner

> Your printer seems very similar to mine, which is a MFC8380DN.
> I've combed through the manual, and network-wise it supports everything
> mine does and some more. As Christian correctly said, BRScript3 is just
> Brother's fancy name for Postscript -- your printer definitely supports
> it, and I'm convinced that it supports hassle-free lpd operation as
> well. Since I detest cups with a fiery vengeance, I'm running my printer
> on my network with lpd only, and it works like a charm.
> The crucial point is that you have to use a specific lpd queue for the
> printer to accept the input as Postscript and not just as generic plain
> text. The manual for your printer omits this passage, but in several
> others (including mine) it is given.
> The manual states (look for LPD+Mac operation) that you have to
> construct the queue name like this: 'BRNxxxxxxxxxxxx_AT',
> with the x'es replaced by the MAC address of your printer.
> In my case, the printcap recipe looks like this:
> | brother|Brother MFC-9840CDW:\
> | B  B  B 
> Obviously, you have to replace IP address and MAC address by your own.
> If you know your printer's IP address, then ping it and use `arp -a` to
> get the MAC address.

I did not know this...  how did you find this out?  I read through all
the manuals that came with the printer, but didn't see anything about
this even on the brother website.  Can you supply a link for me, and

> An even simpler recipe is the JetDirect emulation at Port 9100.
> There you don't have to fiddle around with print queues, and the printer
> basically just prints everything it sees on that port, as somebody else
> already mentioned in this thread:
> | brother|Brother MFC-9840CDW:\
> | B  B  B 

that's freaking awesome...  I had an HP 6310 that I got rid of
recently (mainly because ink for that thing was not worth it) that I
couldn't get to print files either.  Admittedly, I only print once in
a while, but it's nice to not have to SCP to a windows box.  I think I
may have had my printcap messed up at some point.

> As I said, my printer works perfect with both configurations, using
> OpenBSD's lpd, and if I feed Postscript via lpr it just prints it.
> It won't eat PDF, but that's just a manner of using `pdf2ps $file - | lpr`

I will definitely keep that in mind, I did research the pdf2ps for
another project I had, but didn't think about it for solving my
printing issues.

> I hope somebody might find this still useful
> and won't disturb the ashes of this thread anymore.B :o)

I don't mind resurrecting zombie threads, especially if new
information comes to light, or new knowledge...  thanks again.  Maybe
this evening, I'll give lpd another chance...

> B  B s//un

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