> After prodding from the "openbsd community needs to shake thinsg up" I
attempted to compile a ramdisk with the patches from
http://marc.info/?l=openbsd-tech&m=131669525606850&w=2. The kernel and
userland built fine with -current from a few days ago, and the patches. But I
have had no luck finding working instructions on building a ramdisk. Most
seemed to be intermixed with instructions on building an install CD (to test
the ramdisk, I was just going to boot into it, then install the sets from a
recent snapshot CD).
> This site:
http://www.seattlecentral.edu/cgi-bin/cgiwrap/dmartin/moin.cgi/OpenBSD says to
make crunchgen from /usr/src/distrib/crunch but that directory does not exist
in my source code.

crunchgen is now part of base. so you just follow the rest. I built it
using the exact same instructions (seattlecentral) in September a
month ago or so ago. Grab current sources because there was a
something which nigel@ pointed in bsd.rd generation and its fixed in
current as of 2 days ago.


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