On 2011-11-02, richo <ri...@psych0tik.net> wrote:
> On 02/11/11 02:09 -0200, Christiano F. Haesbaert wrote:
>>On Tue, Nov 01, 2011 at 05:12:47PM +0000, Stuart Henderson wrote:
>>> In X, shift + backspace used to work the same as backspace on its own
>>> (i.e. delete the previous character), but no longer does so in recent
>>> -current, most likely following the xkb update.
>>> Does anyone know how to restore the previous behaviour?
>>> I don't have any keyboard-related sections in xorg.conf (only
>>> a Files section with some old font paths).
>>This works for me:
>>Section "ServerFlags"
>>        Option "DontZap" "false"
> AFAIK that will reenable killing X with ctrl+alt backspace,

That one was fixed already.

> but shouldn't affect the behaviour of Shift+BS surely?

It shouldn't, though stranger things have happened so I checked
anyway (it doesn't affect it).

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