FYI, Hakan tells me this isn't possible now, but might be someday.

Sean Knox wrote:
[I didn't get much response on the openbsd-ipsec list, so I'm reposting here]

I'm having problems allowing roadwarrior connections from aggressive and
  main mode clients to connect isakmpd at the same time. At the moment,
I can only allow one, either main mode or aggressive by specifying a
"Default" ISAKMP SA negotiation root, a la:

[Phase 1]
Default        = road-aggressive
#Default        = road-main-mode

If I don't specify a default phase 1 connection, isakmpd uses the
road-main-mode connection:

160001.993149 Default exchange_setup_p1: expected exchange type ID_PROT

I've tried setting the Phase 1 Local-Addresses to listen on different
IPs, but isakmpd still uses the road-main-mode connection for incoming
aggressive connections. Can isakmpd be configured to accepted main mode *and* aggressive mode clients?


(connection settings from isakmpd.conf below)

--- from isakmpd.conf ---

[Phase 1]
#Default        = road-aggressive-p1
#Default        = road-main-mode-p1

[Phase 2]
Passive-Connections=    roadwarriors-aggr,roadwarriors-main

## Phase 1 definitions

Phase               = 1
Local-Address       =
Configuration       = aggr-mode-psk
Authentication      = supersecretpw
Flags               = IKECFG

Phase               = 1
Local-Address       =
Configuration       = main-mode-rsa
Flags               = IKECFG

## Phase 2 definitions

Phase                   = 2
Configuration           = Default-quick-mode
Local-ID                = lan
Remote-ID               = anybody
ISAKMP-peer             = road-aggressive-p1

Phase                   = 2
Configuration           = Default-quick-mode
Local-ID                = lan
Remote-ID               = anybody
ISAKMP-peer             = road-main-p1

## IDs

ID-type=                IPV4_ADDR

ID-type         = IPV4_ADDR_SUBNET
Network         =
Netmask         =\

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