Philip Guenther wrote [2011-11-07 19:03+0100]:
> On Mon, Nov 7, 2011 at 5:37 PM, Steffen Daode Nurpmeso
> <> wrote:
> ...
> > That is to say, to end this lengthy thing, i would have
> > appreciated it if i would have found some URL to a trusted git
> > clone on the official OpenBSD homepage at that time.
> > Even if there would have been a note that the project itself has
> > chosen to use cvs(1) and that git clones are unofficial.
> "Here's a link to something that the project doesn't control, doesn't
> use, and doesn't monitor."

AFAIK this is a chain of trust anyway.
Or are there any bots around that check the actual content of the
And here we (me, that is) talk of a service that is provided by
a trusted mirror, FTP and AnonCVS.

But wait - it seems to be located in the U.S.A...
You're right!!!

> Right, because no one will complain to the project when that's out of
> date or backdoored.  "It's right there on your webpage!"  Anything
> unofficial is strictly between you and the entity providing it, so why
> would you trust that more than the result of a google search?

In support.html i read

    The following individuals and organizations have indicated that
    they are able to provide support as indicated. 
    However, the OpenBSD Project does not necessarily endorse any of
    these. Please contact each site directly.

(And the entry there which claims to be in my hometown actually
moved to Ginsheim-Gustavsburg, the phone number seems to be
completely out-of-date, at least if i compare support.html with
his own webpage.  No joke!  Will mail him after this here.)

> Philip Guenther

(Trying to be [me], though deaf)

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