Gregor Best writes:

> On Fri, Nov 11, 2011 at 01:27:27PM -0500, Jonathan Thornburg wrote:
>> [...]
>> Questions:
>> * Are other Thinkpad T60 users seeing similar problems?
>> [...]
> I'm using an R61i and I sometimes see that too. On my machine, it
> usually happens under relatively high I/O load, such as when using rsync
> to copy data from another machine to a USB disk. [...]

My SL510 froze yesterday while syncing two USB disks with "rsync -aH
--delete". This particular sync requires lots of memory as there are
hundred of thousands of hardlinks. But when I replaced "--delete" with
"--delete-before", which is supposed to require even more memory, the
sync succeeded. I was able to reproduce this two times with different
USB disks (same brand though) before I figured out that the option
"--delete-before" helps. On the second and third run I quit everything
besides my window manager, an xterm and rsync. Reading from both disks
simultaneously with dd doesn't cause any problems.

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