On 2011-11-24, Gregory Edigarov <g...@bestnet.kharkov.ua> wrote:
> On Wed, 23 Nov 2011 21:18:29 +0000 (UTC)
> Stuart Henderson <s...@spacehopper.org> wrote:
>> On 2011-11-23, Gregory Edigarov <g...@bestnet.kharkov.ua> wrote:
>> > so when unbound is going to hit the base?
>> when someone who is capable of and interested in integrating it has
>> the time to do the work.
> well, if i understand it correctly, steps would be like these:
> 1. write Makefile.bsd-wrapper
> 2. give it somebody with a commit bit to test and approve
> 3. test builds on all platforms
> 4. commit changes into tree
> 5. connect unbound to main build.
> correct?

You're missing some parts about how to handle the libraries (which we
don't want to install as shared libs), and what to do with the BIND tools
which people pretty much expect to have (dig/host/nslookup).

Also there are some questions about how to handle it in the startup
scripts, like: do we run unbound-anchor automatically? if so, how do
we handle possibly not having working DNS at that time to resolve
data.iana.org? do we automatically generate unbound-control keys?
if so, where should that be done? ...

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