I posted yesterday my alt-Q isue here.
I manage to fix the download queuemng, but i get stuck on the upload speed.

######## START CONFIG ##########
ext_if = "fxp0"
int0_if = "re0"
int2_if = "rl0"
localnet0     = ""
localnet2     = ""
# extern -> intern
altq on $int0_if cbq bandwidth 12Mb queue { std0_in, localnet0_in }
queue std0_in        bandwidth 10240Kb cbq(default)
queue localnet0_in   bandwidth 1Mb cbq
# extern -> intern
altq on $int2_if cbq bandwidth 12Mb queue { std2_in, localnet2_in }
queue std2_in        bandwidth 10240Kb cbq(default)
queue localnet2_in   bandwidth 128Kb cbq
# intern -> extern
altq on $ext_if cbq bandwidth 3Mb queue /
{ std_out,localnet0_out,localnet2_out }
queue std_out        bandwidth 1900Kb cbq(default)
queue localnet0_out  bandwidth 160Kb cbq
queue localnet2_out  bandwidth 48Kb cbq
match out on egress inet from !(egress) to any nat-to (egress:0)
block all
pass in on $int0_if
pass in on $int2_if
# extern -> intern
pass in on $int0_if from $localnet0 queue localnet0_in
pass in on $int2_if from $localnet2 queue localnet2_in
# intern -> extern
pass out keep state queue std_out
pass out on $int0_if to $ext_if queue localnet0_out
pass out on $int2_if to $ext_if queue localnet2_out
########## END CONFIG ############
as before ,i tried several posibilitys.
if i remove the pass out keep state queue std_out line, it is all broke
so, it seems it is hard to limmit outgoing speed on multiple interfaces.
any advice ???


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