Same error when run from command-line.  I should also add this is 4.9 not 5.0.
Sorry I didn't input that info earlier.

-----Original Message-----
From: []
Sent: Tuesday, December 13, 2011 3:35 PM
To: Bentley, Dain
Subject: Re: PHP SQLite connection in OpenBSD

Quoting "Bentley, Dain" <>:

> Hello all, I'm trying to connect to a sqlite database with PHP and I'm
> having an issue of "driver not found". I've installed php from
> packages and and have installed the php_sqlite package and configured
> the module for apache.
> The PDO driver seems to be installed as evidenced by my php info page:
> SQLite support enabled
> PECL Module version 2.0-dev $Id: sqlite.c 298697 2010-04-28 12:10:10Z
> iliaa $ SQLite Library 2.8.17 SQLite Encoding iso8859
> PDO drivers sqlite2
> Here is the code I am using to attempt to connect <?php try {  //
> connect to SQLite from PDO database  $dbh = new
> PDO("sqlite:/bandwith/stats.db");
> }
> catch(PDOException $e)
> {
>  echo $e->getMessage();//this getMessage throws an exception if any
> }
> ?>

Does the code work OUTSIDE of Apache?

php-5.3 your-script.php

Have you considered chroot?


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