On Fri, 30 Dec 2011 10:14:08 +0200
Gregory Edigarov <g...@bestnet.kharkov.ua> wrote:

> On Fri, 30 Dec 2011 09:21:07 +0500
> PP;QQ P(P8P?P8QP8P= <chipits...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Hello!
> >
> > I'm runnning BGP server which is also dns resolver.
> >
> > so, host can go to internet using 2 addresses
> >
> > a) vlan379, which is connected to bgp peer
> > b) vlan200, which is my own routable network
> >
> > bgp peer is strange. it permits only bgp and icmp traffic over
> > vlan379, the rest is silently dropped.
> > I'd like to use vlan379 address for bgp communication and vlan200
> > for dns resolver (and the rest of the traffic), but OpenBSD simply
> > uses vlan379 address.
> >
> > well, I can use NAT on outgoing traffic, but it doesn't seem to be a
> > proper solution.
> > why does OpenBSD choose vlan379 ? how can I make it use vlan200 for
> > all outgoing traffic except bgp communication ?
> this could be configured on per-service basis. for example, with named
> read man 5 named.conf, paying particular attention to 'server'
> section.
also listen and query_source directives are at your service

With best regards,
        Gregory Edigarov

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