Hi List,

I  want to ask an question. I have 2 links. one is Leased line and the
other is ADSL line. I have configured "equal-cost multipath routing" for
outgoing traffic according to below URL

I have removed /etc/mygate file


I can access internet from both links. It is all ok.

But, my question is Apache is running on this PF box on port 9999. I want
to access it from the internet.

So I have added below rule in my pf.conf file

pass in log on $wan_if inet proto tcp from any to $wan_if \
  port 9999 synproxy state

I want to access it form wan interface ( Leased line ).

Pls see the output of the below

# netstat -rnf inet | grep default
default        UGSP       2     2100     -     8
default          UGSP       3     1050     -     8

I want to access it via which connects to Leased line.

when there is one default route is available, it is possible.

But, When there are 2 default routes, I can NOT access.

How can I archive this ?

Thank you
Indunil Jayasooriya

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