* Steffen Daode Nurpmeso <sdao...@googlemail.com> [2012-01-28 15:44]:
> I've noted a lot of upload network traffic when doing 'cvs up'
> on OpenBSD repos; i.e., before anything else happened about
> ~70 MB (www) and ~150 MB (src) *upstream* traffic were produced,
> and it took more than an hour before the download of data began
> (src).  I never had similar problems with anoncvs.mindrot.org, nor
> cvs.savannah.gnu.org and *.cvs.sourceforge.net etc.

there aren't all that many repositories the size of ours out there.

> If you're doing your updates in such a regular manner, i think
> your best bet is cvsync(1), even if that means additional local
> storage - but it is *far* more efficient in both, time and
> traffic.  (Not to talk about the possibility to do 'cvs log' and
> the like locally, without internet connection; if that's an issue.)
> Pears similar ciao,

that's what many of us do - full repository, synced somehow (i
personally rsync from another machine which in turn speaks cvsync to
bob) locally. Especially convenient when you sit in an airplane or the
like and want to diff...

Henning Brauer, h...@bsws.de, henn...@openbsd.org
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