Hi, guys.

I'm not sure if this is an issue, because the defaults might be best for a
normal/base install, just asking if this is as expected.

This is my desktop/development box.  I've got a snapshot of 30th Jan and a set
of ports from soon after.

OpenBSD 5.1-beta (GENERIC.MP) #172: Mon Jan 30 16:30:40 MST 2012

Rhythmbox and Gnome mplayer stuttering a bit playing mp3s ... especially if I
Alt-Tab to Firefox & Thunderbird (and do a bit of work in them.)  If I remove
hands from keyboard, no stuttering.

I remembered seeing this post ("important audio settings to test")


And the below (from that post) makes my problems go away:

# sndiod -r 48000 -b 7680 -z 1920

$ pkg_info | grep mplayer
gecko-mediaplayer-1.0.5p1 gnome-mplayer browser media plugin
gmtk-1.0.5p1        gnome-mplayer toolkit
gnome-mplayer-1.0.5p3 GTK+/GNOME frontend for MPlayer
mplayer-20110309p12 movie player supporting many formats
$ pkg_info | grep box     
rhythmbox-2.95      integrated music management application for GNOME
$ pkg_info | grep Mozilla 
firefox-9.0.1       Mozilla web browser
lightning-1.0beta9v0 Mozilla Thunderbird calendar extension
mozilla-dicts-en-GB-1.3 en-GB dictionary for Mozilla
spidermonkey- Mozilla C implementation of JavaScript
thunderbird-9.0.1   Mozilla e-mail, rss and usenet client


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