On Wed, 2012-03-07 at 13:26 +0100, Leonardo Sabino dos Santos wrote:
> Next, the disk stuff comes up. A lot of partition information appears
> on the screen, followed by the question:
>   Use (W)hole disk or (E)dit the MBR? [whole]
> At this point I'm actually trying to remember if there's a way to
> scroll back the console, because some information has scrolled of the
> screen. I try PageUp, PageDown, Ctrl-UpArrow, Ctrl-DownArrow, but
> nothing works, so I press Enter.


> Distributing an installation program that can wipe out the user's hard
> disk instantly on a single wrong keystroke, without so much as a
> confirmation prompt is so shortsighted and irresponsible that I can
> barely believe it.

You were asked whether you want to edit MBR or use the whole disk, and
you chose using the whole disk. This resulted in your disk being
occupied by single A6 partition.

So, what went wrong? What kind of confirmation did you want?

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