
   ...Same problem, again (it was already covered some time ago).
When I run the last step in building a release
(see http://www.openbsd.org/faq/faq5.html) , i.e.

  # make release

I get a message informing me that /dev/svnd0a is full. This occurs
while make is working with ramdiskC (exactly as the messages posted
last July).

Tried also on different hardware, same result. I've been struggling
with this for a couple of weeks now.

Three quick questions:

A) Solution is the same as previously suggested (removing a non
critical driver, such as axe, from ramdiskC) or has anything

B) After commenting out the axe driver, you have to start over
and rebuild the kernel, right? Userland as well? (I'm asking 
since I'm working on a not-so-fast machine, the whole process 
takes quite some time...)

C) Please don't flame--I'm just curious: In the mailing list
archives, I noticed this sort of problem has been around since
March (messages dated March 30). Why hasn't it yet been fixed? 

Thanks in advance for any suggestions.


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