Ivo Chutkin wrote:

> Hello,
> I am collecting interface statistics with pfstat on OpenBSD 4.9.
> Everything works fine except pfstat -t (days). The .db files getting big
> so I want to clear old entries, unfortunately it does not work.
> Here is what I do:
> root@storage.
> ~ # du -h /var/db/pfstat.db
> 801M    /var/db/pfstat.db
> root@storage.
> ~ # /usr/local/bin/pfstat -t 30:45 -d /var/db/pfstat.db
> root@storage.
> ~ # du -h /var/db/pfstat.db
> 801M    /var/db/pfstat.db
> root@storage.
> ~ #
> The .db file is at least 6 months old, so there should be entries to
> delete. I miss something obvious?

What did you expect, a smaller file ?

I'm not familiar with pfstat but I suppose you could check if the old
records still exist.  If not, I suspect that, in general, when records are
deleted from a database, the actual storage isn't freed up. This way the
database program can reuse it for storing new records.

You could check if pfstat has an option to purge/shrink the database or
reclaim the database storage. Or maybe a tool exists to shrink a .db file.

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