Hi all,

I am currently using vpnc to connect to a client site (which has an CISCO ASA 
firewall/vpn endpoint)
This setup works, but everytime I use vpnc from my server it breaks other 
networking, especially the openvpn tunnels I maintain to other sites.

I'd prefer to use the built-in IPSEC software in OpenBSD to establish the 
tunnel instead (and terminate it locally on a tun or tap interface)

All my attempts so far have failed and I must admit I'm an IPSEC newbie, at 
least with the OpenBSD tools.

My vpc.conf file is very simple:

IPSec gateway ww.xx.yy.zz
IPSec ID somevpn
IPSec secret somesecretString
IKE Authmode psk

Is there an equivalent config for ipsecctl (and/or isakmpd) that is known to 
work with remote ASA firewalls?

Any help or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance.



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