>On Sun, Nov 06, 2005 at 12:40:12AM -0200, Gustavo
>Rios wrote:
>> Hey folks,
>> sorry, but i found this on the web. May someone
>tell if it is serious,
>> i myself could not believe it.
>Looks like a rehash of
>with its Anti-Foreward by Dennis Ritchie. Whether
>you think it is
>humurous or not is of course up to you. I thought
>it was funny when
>I read it '94.
>.... Ken

Looks like a good book. Thanks.

from the Preface "Deficient by Design"
"Being small and simple is more important 
than being complete and correct"
"You only have to solve 90% of the problem."
"Everything is a stream of bytes."

"Despite a plethora of fine books on the subject, Unix security remains an 
elusive goal at best."
There is an obvious implication for Windows security.

"These attitudes are no longer appropriate for an operating
system that hosts complex and important applications"

The gripes may be legitimate, but really, are we any closer
to finishing that last 10% than we were 40 years ago?
Before there even were such things as operating systems
and editors and such.
Probably the real reason to hate Unix is that it has
outlived its betters, and will most likely continue to do so.

Somehow the assumption that you have 100% (when only 90% 
is attainable) seems to be eventually fatal.

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