Hi all,

I would like to use a central management server for a couple of obsd firewalls. At this point I need to resolve two important questions for me:

a) Rules repository: which can be the best form?

- putting rules via ssh on obsd firewalls from management ( or viceversa).

- use a cvs repository from management server. In this case, how can I put rules on obsd??

  - another option??

b) Firewall logs: I don not need a graphical frontend at this moment. With tcpdump is sufficient. But, how can I upload logs in secure manner to managemnet server and how can I administer this logs (i need to do some searchs, etc)?. Is syslog my unique option??

Any ideas?? Thank you very much and sorry for my bad english.

CL Martinez
carlopmart {at} gmail {d0t} com

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