sensorsd(8)'s "low" goes in the other direction. If I set "low" to 60C, it
will go off if the CPU is running at 50C. Sensorsd(8) isn't made for such
fine control as some of us would like.

If the battery is low, we want the sensor to alert us. If the temperature
is low, we do not want to be alerted. So a "medium" setting simply wouldn't
work with the way sensorsd(8) works.

Furthermore, I checked out Windows and Acer software, and I don't see a way
of resetting the BIOS critical temperature. They use daemons, and so my
kernel hack option to take advantage of acpitz(4) looks like a good idea.

On Mon, Jun 18, 2012 at 8:05 PM, Artturi Alm <> wrote:

> How about setting low to the warning level, and high to the shutdown
> level? That way you should be able to handle all 3 states w/o timers.
> "below" being normal, "within" where it notifies and steps down CPU and
> "above" where it does shutdown.

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